Research Topic
Designing materials that show optical properties in the near-infrared (NIR) region still far lagging behind when we compare that of in the visible region. A well-suited NIR emitting material is crucial in the progress of NIR light-emitting diode (LED), night vision technologies, telecommunications-based applications, food safety evaluation in food industries, agriculture, etc. This application demands focusing on material that can emit NIR light depending on the desired wavelength.
Doping (addition of impurity) in a suitable host is one of the credible strategies to introduce optical properties. Studies show that attention in the development of NIR emitting material is impaired with its demand in various applications. This leads to my research interest in exploring different dopants in various halide double perovskite hosts to introduce NIR optical properties. As a host, halide double perovskites are non-toxic, stable and hence benign to the environment. Additionally, its three-dimensional structure allows dopant with high coordination no. inside the crystal. This enables tuning of optical properties via doping different ions into the crystal lattice. Besides, we also study the photophysical process involved in our system to have better insides of it.